Tag Archive for mystery

The Package

“Here it is.” “Are you sure this is it?” “That’s what she said.” “Well, I’ll be damned.” “That’s what I said.” “And she gave it to you for ten grand?” “Well, not exactly.” “Wait, what do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”…

The Library

I’d been at my uncle’s for a month by the time I’d found it. I wasn’t looking for it because I had no idea it was there. Considering how my family gossips I’m surprised I hadn’t heard about it before,…

The Book

I slammed the book closed. The clock showed 11:47 p.m. It had been a long day, very long, and I was sure my eyes were playing tricks on me. I was tired when I’d gotten home, but I really wanted…

The Suspect

“Any idea who killed her?” Detective Myer had an idea who might have killed her, her being Roxanne Westin. Roxy (as her friends knew her) was found in her apartment with a 44-caliber bullet hole in her forehead and scratches…

The Tickets

“How much?” Surely he’d misheard, how could tickets be so much? “Sir, that is the price. Do you want them or not?” Of course he wanted them. He’d waited most of his 43 years for them, and he couldn’t not…